5 Important Traveling Tips

After many years traveling around the world, we have picked up some good tips that are important to take with you when traveling.

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  1. When traveling, itís never a good idea to carry large amounts of cash. Instead, carrying at least one credit card will help to ensure that you are protected against theft. In the unlikely event that your wallet or purse is stolen, you can report it to the credit card immediately to prevent unauthorized use. For this reason, itís important that you carry a list of telephone numbers for your credit card issuer(s) so that you can contact them immediately. This information should be kept separate from your wallet so that it will still be in your possession even if your card is not.
  2. Stay in touch. Always make sure to let a friend or family member know where you are going and where you will be staying during your time away from home. Itís a good idea to let your friend or family member know that you will be calling when you arrive at your destination. Itís also a good idea to keep in touch occasionally while you are away, and always leave a telephone number where you can be reached.
  3. Keep important numbers handy. Anytime you travel, itís important to make a note of local emergency numbers, including hospitals, authorities, taxi services and other businesses that you think may be able to assist you if needed. You can find these numbers online or use a local telephone book upon your arrival.
  4. Do your homework. One of the greatest things about traveling is the ability to see new things and experience new places, but itís also important to keep safety in mind while exploring. Always have an accurate map of the area, which you can obtain from the local tourism office or chamber of commerce.
  5. If possible, call ahead and request that this information be mailed to you several weeks before your actual trip. This will allow you to have the map on hand when you arrive. Always travel in well lit areas and avoid places that seem to be deserted, especially after dark and in locations that you are unfamiliar with.

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