Learning to Order Steak by Grades

Steak is almost everybody’s favourite. If you are going to the market to buy steak or order steak from a restaurant, it’s important to know what to get beforehand. Each aspect of steak is graded and rated by a set of standards. Steaks can be tailored and customised to one’s taste. Learning to order your steak like a pro will provide you with unlimited opportunities to explore the flavour and texture. Keep reading to know how to order steak:

Meat quality varies by restaurants and grades are used by the USDA for sorting meat by quality. USDA-graded steaks are sorted into categories as prime, choice, standard, and select. 

Prime Cuts

These are top-quality steaks that have visible marbling in the meat when raw. Marbling refers to the fatty deposit which runs throughout the meat. When prime steaks are cooked, their marbling offers extra flavour and helps in keeping the steak juicy. Also, marbling shows the cow’s good health. Prime steaks can usually be ordered in restaurants and getting them in stores is usually difficult and expensive. Order the best steak at Rib’N Reef steakhouse

Choice Cuts

While they are nearly identical to prime steaks, they may have some flaws or derived from an older cow. In general, these steaks have less marbling in them which makes them a bit less tender than prime cuts. But, they are definitely worth the money. 

Select Cuts

These steaks have a bit of visible marbling that courses throughout them. But, it won’t be as much as in prime or choice cuts. Although they are still tender, they will not have as much flavour and juice as choice or prime cuts because of the lack of marbling. 

Standard Steaks

 These are the steaks you will usually find in grocery stores that have little to no marbling through them. This is the reason the steaks you can purchase do not taste as good as the ones in restaurants. Because of the lack of marbling, they are less tender and less flavourful. 

When buying steaks, it’s important to keep in mind that steaks today do not always come from a cow. In some cases, the cow breed can make a big difference in their flavour, marbling, and the time to prepare them. The most famous breeds of steak cattle being raised are Wagyu, Angus, and Kobe.  As you try to learn how to order steak, make sure you don’t fall for restaurant gimmicks aimed at increasing a regular steak’s price.